Vintage Bike by the Wall





What’s New

We have a new member (Hiroki Endo) joining our office.

(2023 Dec. 5)

He is a current CFO at a foreign-affiliated company, and also active as a ​financial consultant.

Materials about “Overview of 2024 Subsidy ​Changes” have been prepared.

(2024 Jan. 28)

We have a new member (Masayo Ariga) joining our office.

She is a designer with a wealth of experience in both web and print media.

(2023 Feb. 22)

We have a new member (Toshio Kouda) joining our office.

An expert who has been involved in management, improvement, and system ​construction support in the manufacturing industry for many years.

(2024 Apr.3)

The July 2024 issue of the email newsletter has

been published.

(2024 Jul.1)

Photograph of a Tall Palm Tree


"To Run Together with You"

In the world, there are numerous industries and business types, each with ​their own common concerns within their categorized domains.

However, even within the same industry or business type, individual ​companies, factories, or stores have their unique circumstances, and ​their management and operational concerns and challenges vary.

The word "tandem" included in our office name carries the meaning of ​"cooperation," "coordination," and "a bicycle built for two”.

In our office, we place importance on 'running together with our clients. ​We don't offer superficial consulting but rather, we aim to embrace each ​of our clients unique situations and work together to achieve reform and ​business expansion.


"Is that management pre-COVID-19?"

The spread of the covit-19 has completely changed the world.

The way we work, our lifestyles, and even our means of consumption ​have all been impacted.

Additionally, there is an tremendous inflation leading to a surge in ​the prices of raw materials and energy costs.

Returning to the pre-COVID world is no longer possible.

In this environment, surviving with the pre-COVID management ​methods, no matter how much we endure, is an extremely ​challenging task.

Businesses of all sizes are now required, whether they like it or not, to ​change their business model.

Our office is here to assist business leaders in creating new business ​models and ensuring the survival of their companies.


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About US


Keiichi Koizumi

After graduating from Waseda University's School of Economics in ​1980, he joined a ​foreign affiliate IT company in a sales role.

Subsequently, he worked in various departments such as marketing, ​corporate ​governance, and business planning.

In 2020, he established a business consultant office in Odawara-shi.

Throughout his over 40-years business career, he had provided a wide ​range of ​solutions to various industries, including mega-banks, regional ​banks, manufacturing ​industries like printing, and wholesalers.

His motto is "Everything starts from the field, NOT on the desk."

He is working for medium & small-sized clients mainly in Kanagawa-​prefecture as ​their busness partners.

  • Kanagawa Prefecture Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union ​(Coordinator for Small Business Support Enhancement Project)

  • JIMA BPIE(Business Process Innovation Engineer)
  • JIMA Document Information Manager
  • RMCA BCP Consultant
  • BSA Business Succession Planner

Partner - Financial Consultant

Hiroki Endo

Graduated from Kobe University's Faculty of Business Administration in ​1995 ​and joined a foreign-affiliated company, assigned to finance.

Completed the Kobe University Executive MBA (e-MBA) in 2005. ​Studied ​abroad for six months at Cardiff MBA in the UK.

Subsequently specialized in the field of accounting and finance, ​particularly in ​supporting business growth through financial analysis, ​mainly in foreign-​affiliated companies.

After two and a half years of working in Singapore and experience as a ​finance ​officer in a global position, I am currently serving as the CFO of a ​certain ​foreign-affiliated company.

Based in Osaka Prefecture, I have launched and am actively engaged in a ​​financial consulting service aimed at supporting small and medium-sized ​​enterprises.

About US

Toshio Kouda

Partner - RMC

Worked for over 40 years at a major domestic automotive parts and electronic ​equipment manufacturer.

Engaged in production process improvement (introduction of Toyota ​Production System), production management, performance management, ​supplier management, credit management, as well as cost reduction activities ​(VA/VE) in the design department as an expert in the factory department.

Additionally involved in the construction of production management systems ​(MRP) and purchasing order systems (Material Web-EDI).

On the other hand, holds a track record of supporting and providing ​improvement guidance to various manufacturing industries as a small and ​medium-sized enterprise (SME) consultant and seminar lecturer.

Areas of expertise include production management, cost management and ​reduction, performance management, IT promotion, health management and ​work style promotion, as well as startup and management support.

  • SME consultant
  • Second-class Information Processing Engineer
  • Health Management Expert Advisor.

Masayo Ariga

Partner - Designer

After working at IT-related trading companies, she became independent. She ​is involved in the production and operation support of websites, landing pages, ​and SMS, as well as the design and production of printed materials such as ​catalogs.

She is active in a wide range of fields, from major shopping centers and apparel ​companies to visiting nursing facilities and nursery schools. With her extensive ​experience and knowledge, she contributes to client acquisition and increased ​sales.

Furthermore, her valuable insights from the perspective of housewives and ​mothers provide compelling ideas.




We will not only resolve the ​issues you are facing but ​also formulate strategies for ​a thriving and growing ​company in the next 10 ​years


We will work with you to ​establish the optimal ​business model that can ​adapt to the changing times.


In order to efficiently and ​effectively implement these ​strategies, we propose the ​introduction and operation of IT ​solutions based on our extensive ​knowledge and experience.


To ensure the maximum ​utilization of the implemented ​systems, we take responsibility ​for specification decisions, ​implementation support, ​education tailored to the ​operation of employees, and ​regular reviews, all the way to ​system integration, acting as an ​intermediary between the ​system vendor and the customer.


Ideal Employee
Brunette female down at a blank sign








Proposal and Execution ​Support for Utilizing IT ​Solutions

Web Button, Gold Button

Execution of

the solution plan

Web Button, Gold Button

The Future Vision of the ​Company in 10 Years

Vision Mission Puzzle


There are countless cases where systems, which were painstakingly ​implemented, end up not working or being unusable. The root causes of this can ​be summarized into the following three areas:

  1. The executive team doesn't have a clear understanding of what they want to ​achieve.
  2. The frontline staff doesn't fully grasp what the issues are and how to solve ​them.
  3. There is a lack of understanding regarding the specifications and ​functionalities of the implemented systems.

Our mission is to serve as an effective safety net for our customers so that they ​do not find themselves in such situations.

Consulting Flow


Isssue Analysis

Through interviews with our clients, we clarify ​management, operational, and financial issues. ​We analyze the identified issues, including ​their causes and severity, and create reports to ​present to our clients.


  • Bottlenecks in the imagination process
  • Document transcription and data entry ​tasks affecting office processing time
  • Sales market for the product is too skewed, ​leading to stagnant revenue
  • Prolonged accounts receivable collection ​impacting cash flow


Sprint running

Solutions Proposal


Speed Skating

System Implementation Support

Consulting Flow


Bicycle Race: Speed

Isssue Analysis


Solutions Proposal

We propose the most suitable solutions for our ​clients by leveraging IT. We prioritize solutions ​that are optimal not only for the executives but ​also for the frontline.

Examples of actions:

  • Creating a Request for Proposal (RFP) and ​presenting it to system vendors.
  • Assisting in the selection of system vendors.


Ski jumping.

System Implementation Support

Consulting Flow



Long jump, Professional Male Athlete Jumping on Long Distance

Isssue Analysis


Female athletes hurdling

Solution Proposal


System Implementation Support

We take a fair and neutral position, standing ​between our clients and vendors to ensure the ​best system is implemented.

Examples of actions:

  • Participation in requirement definition and ​specification
  • Selection and application for subsidies ​related to system implementation costs
  • Providing education support to employees

Consulting Area

Factory worker controlling production


w More


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A Red and Green House Surrounded with Water


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Consulting Area

Grant Utilization Support

We assist in stabilizing company management by leveraging various ​grants provided by governments and municipalities.

We provide comprehensive support to our clients, encompassing the ​selection of the most suitable grants, the creation of necessary business ​plans for evaluation, and the preparation of all required documentation ​for application.

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Consulting Area

Revenue Growth ​Support

We select the most suitable means for our clients, such as web marketing, e-​commerce (EC), and business matchmaking by public entities and financial ​institutions, to assist in expanding sales channels and growing their ​business.

Specifically, we collaborate with expert teams in each field to create ​detailed plans for the selected methods and provide assistance in their ​successful execution and operation.

Furthermore, we work in partnership with patent offices to help our clients ​register their proprietary technologies and know-how as intellectual ​property rights (such as patents and utility models).

This contributes to increased sales and profits by providing a competitive ​advantage over rival companies

Group of Men Playing Soccer In Green Field

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Consulting Area

Cost Reducition Support

In the manufacturing industry, we support cost reduction through improvement ​of manufacturing processes, purchasing processes such as material ​procurement, appropriate cost management, production management, and ​inventory management methods, as well as providing system construction ​support for these purposes.

For administrative tasks, we achieve paperless operation by digitizing paper ​documents, reducing time and labor costs in business processes. Furthermore, ​we also assist in adapting to systems such as the invoice system and amended ​electricity accounting laws.

In this area, we support you totaly as follows.

  1. Analyzes current operations to identify challenges such as factors that drive ​up costs or bottleneck processes.
  2. Proposes solutions, outlines the path to resolution, and estimates the ​expected cost reduction effects.
  3. Assists in implementing the proposed solutions, providing total support ​throughout the process.


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Consulting Area

Risk Management ​Support

We assist in the planning and execution of strategies to ensure the continuity of ​business activities, preparing for various modern risks, including the spread of ​infectious diseases and intensified natural disasters.

We start by focusing on the most critical challenges for our clients, selecting from a ​range of risks such as natural disasters, the proliferation of infectious diseases, loss, ​and leakage of trade secrets and personal information.

We formulate response plans that minimize potential damage caused by anticipated ​risks, establish mechanisms and structures to swiftly recover business operations ​when risks occur, provide education to employees, and facilitate collaboration with ​business partners.

Furthermore, we conduct annual plan reviews and support the creation of plans and ​structures that can adapt to a broader range of risks.

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5 solutions

In the rapidly changing landscape of the business world, ​management challenges continuously emerge.

To overcome these hurdles, a 'business model transformation' is ​essential.

The five solutions offered by Tandem Consulting Office serves as ​powerful engines to drive the required business model ​transformation.

Backed by extensive experience and deep expertise, we invite you ​to experience the capabilities of this suite of solutions

Business Person Stock Market

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Factory workers analyzing production.

Manufatuiring Cost Reduction

One significant factor contributing to cost increases in the ​manufacturing process is the sudden influx of orders, especially those ​with short lead times. This results in line changes, increased overtime, ​unavoidable outsourcing for meeting deadlines, and producing as per ​the customer's demands.

To put an end to such phases, we propose a new approach where we ​take over product inventory management on behalf of our clients.

By doing so, not only do we reduce our own costs but also create a ​WIN-WIN relationship with our customers who appreciate it.

We leverage the power of IT to perform customer inventory ​management, ensuring stable factory operations and enabling effective ​business planning.

woman is working on pc

Administrative Costs Reduction

Would you like to put an end to this futile battle and embrace ​paperless operations through the digitization of books and ​documents?

In 2022, Electronic Bookkeeping Preservation Law was amended to ​allow companies of all sizes to embark on digitization efforts.

We support companies in their journey towards document ​digitization and paperless operations, from selecting the documents ​for digitization to implementing and operating the use of electronic ​systems.

Luxury Palm Hotel

Hospitality Industry Solution

In the era of COVID-19, the hospitality industry is undergoing ​significant changes.

What guests are now strongly looking for when staying in hotels ​and inns is a space where they can maintain privacy and feel safe.

We, through the implementation of self-check-in and check-out ​machines and effective operational support, ensures the realization ​of 'touchless and privacy protection by minimizing interactions ​between guests and employees at the front desk.

Stack of Old Books

Registration and Utilization of

Intellectual Property Rights

Are you leaving your unique products, technologies, and know-how ​untapped within your company?

Patents, utility models, design rights, and trademarks can serve as ​both a shiel' to protect your company and a spear to increase sales ​and profits.

Why not consider intellectual property rights registration and ​utilization with us?

A Red and Green House Surrounded with Water

Risk Management

In this 10 years, risks of disasters due to global warming, the high ​probability of anticipated major earthquakes, and the worldwide ​spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19 have been increasing

Nevertheless, companies cannot afford to cease their operations.

Being prepared for various risks and having a business continuity ​plan in place for when those risks become a reality is now an essential ​requirement for companies.

We are support you in creating plans to ensure business continuity at ​all times.



solution materials

e-mail Newsletter

Tandem Consulting Office distribute a monthly ​email newsletter that can be of help to your ​business.

If you wish to receive the email newsletter, ​please click the button below and proceed with ​the registration.

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You can view the back issues of the email ​newsletter by clicking the button below.

You can also download the PDF files and print ​them out.

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Tandem Consulting Office

Ke​iichi Koizumi

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